In one phase of asset protection, CCTV is used lo detect unwanted entry into a facility, beginning at the perimeter location, and continuing by following the intruder throughout the facility (Figure 1-1).
In a perimeter protection role, CCTV can be used with intrusion-detection devices to alert the guard at the security console that an intrusion has occurred. If an intrusion occurs, multiple CCTV cameras located throughout the facility follow the intruder so that there is a proper response by guard personnel or designated employees. Management must determine whether specific guard reaction is required and what the response will ho.
Obviously, CCTV allows the guard to be more effective, but it also improves security by permitting the camera scene to be documented via a VCR and/or printed out on a hard copy video printer. In the relatively short history of CCTV, there have been great innovations in the permanent recording of video images for later use, brought about primarily by the consumer demand and availability of video camcorders and VCRs. The ability to record video provides CCTV security with a new dimension, i.e., going beyond real-time camera surveillance.
The specialized time lapse lenses, housings, pan/tilt mechanisms, and brackets, which lower costs and provide more aesthetic installations. For covert CCTV applications, the small cameras and lenses arc easier to conceal.
The potential importance of color in surveillance applications can be illustrated very clearly by looking at a color television scene on a television monitor, be it surveillance or other, and turning off the color to make it a monochrome scene. It becomes quite otivious how much information is lost when the colors in the scene change to shades of gray. Objects easily identified in the color scene become difficult to identify in the monochrome scene. It is much easier to pick out a person with red socks in the color scene than in the monochrome scene.
The security industry has long recognized the value of color to enhance personnel and article identification in video surveillance and access control. One reason why we can identify subjects more easily in color is that we arc used to seeing color, both in the real world and on out TV at home. When we see a monochrome scene, we have to make an additional effort to recognize certain information, besides the actual missing colors, thereby decreasing the intelligence available. Providing more accurate identification of personnel and objects leads to a higher degree of apprehension and conviction for crimes.
Every organization, regardless of size, should have an emergency and disaster control plan, which should include CCTV as a ci ideal component. Part of ihe plan should he a procedure for succession of personnel in the event one or more memhers of top management arc unavailable when disaster suikes. In huge organizations the plan should inrlttde the designation of alternate headquarters if possible, a side document-storage facility, and remote CCTV operations capability. The plan must provide for medical aid and assure the welfare of all employees. Using CCTV as a source of information, there should be a method to alert employees m the event of a dangerous condition and a plan to provide for quick police and emergency response. There should be an emergency shutdown plan and restoration procedures, with designated employees acting as leaders. There should be CX "1V cameras stationed along evacuation routes and instructions for practice tests. The evacuation plan should lie prepared in advance and tested.
- define emergencies and disasters that could occur as they relate to the particular organization
- establish an organization and specific tasks with personnel designated to carry out the plan immediately before, during, and immediately following a disaster
- establish a method for utilizing the organization's resources, in particular CCTV, to analyze the disaster situation and bring to bear all oilier available resources.
- recognize a plan to change from normal operations into and out of the disaster emergency mode as soon as possible.
- CCTV helps protect human life by enabling security or safety officials to see remote locations and view firsthand what is happening, where it is happening, what is most critical, and what areas must he attended to fust.
- CCTV aids in minimizing personal injury by permitting 'remote eyes* to get to those people who require immediate attention, or to send personnel to llic area being hit hardest to remove them from the area, or to bring in equipment to protect them.
- CCTV reduces the exposure of physical assets to oncoming disaster, such as fire or llood, and prevents or at least assesses document removal (of assets) by intruders or any unauthorized personnel.
- CCTV documents equipment ami assets that were in place prior to the disaster, recording them on VCR, hard disk, or other medium to lie compared to the remaining assets after the disaster has occurred. It also documents petsonnel and their activities before, during, and alter an incident.
- Probably more so than any other part of a security system, CCTV will aid management and the security force in minimizing any disaster or emergency. CCTV is useful in restoring an organization to normal operation by determining that no additional emergencies are in progress am! that procedures and traffic flow arc normal in those resumed areas.