The synergy of a CCTV security system implies the following functional scenario:
- Some alarm sensor will detect immediately an unauthorized intrusion or entry or attempt to remove equipment.
- A CCTTV camera located somewhere in the alarm area will be fixed on the location or maybe pointed manually or automatically (from the guard site) to view the alarm area.
- The information from the alarm sensor and CCTV camera is transmitted immediately to the security console, monitored by personnel, and/or recorded for permanent documentation.
- The security operator receiving the alarm information has a plan to dispatch personnel to the location or to take some other appropriate action.
- After dispatching a security person to the alarm area, the guard resumes normal security duties to view any future event.
- If after a reasonable amount of time die person dispatched does not neutralize the intrusion or other event, the security guard resumes monitoring that situation to bring it to a successful conclusion.
Use of CCTV plays a crucial role in the overall system plan. During an intrusion or theft, the CCTV system (when signaled by the intrusion alarm) provides information to the guard, who must make some identification of the perpetrator, assess the problem, and respond appropriately. An installation containing suitable and sufficient alarm sensors and CCTV cameras permits the guard to follow the progress of the event and assist the response team in countering the attack.
The use of CCTV to track an intruder is most effective. With an intrusion alarm and visual CCTV information, all the elements are in place for a timely, reliable transfer of information to the security officers. For maximum effectiveness, all parts of the security system must work properly; for total success, each part must rely on the others. If an intrusion alarm fails, the command post cannot see the CCTV image at the right location and the right time. If the CCTV fails, the guard cannot identify the perpetrator even though he may know that an intrusion has occurred. If a security officer is not alert or misinterprets the alarm and CCTV input, the data from either or both are not processed and acted upon and the system fails.
In an emergency, such as a fire, flood, malfunctioning machinery, burst utility pipeline, and so on, the operation of CCTV, safety sensors, and human response at the console are all required. CCTV' is an inexpensive investment for preventing accidents and minimizing damage when an alarm, a CCTV camera can quickly ascertain whether the event is a false alarm, a minor alarm, or a major event. The automatic sprinkler and fire alarm system might alert the guard to the event, hut the CCTV “eyes” viewing the actual scene prior to the emergency team’s dispatch often save lives and reduce asset losses.
In a security violation, if a sensor detects an intrusion, the guard monitoring the CCTV camera can determine if the intrusion requires the dispatch of personnel or some other response. In the event of a major, well-planned attack on a facility by a terrorist organization or other intruder, a diversionary tactic such as a false alarm can quickly be discovered through the use of CCIV, thereby preventing an inappropriate response.
To justify expenditures on security and safety equipment, an organization must expect a positive return on investment; that is, the value of assets protected must be greater than the amount spent on security, and the security system must adequately protect personnel and visitors. An effective security system reduces theft, saves money, and saves lives.
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